Monday, August 13, 2012

My Favorite Pump

When I was in the hospital and Ian was in NICU, the lactation counselors brought me a Medela Symphony Breastpump.  I had never seen another pump like it, not in the stores or from what any of my friends had bought when they had their babies.  It looked like the deluxe version of milk extraction.  While in the hospital, I was assigned my own pump and for two weeks my breasts were milk producing machines.  The nurses would ask me if I had other children because with the Symphony, not only did my milk come in fast, it came in heavy.  It could have just been me, but I think it was because of the machine.

As I was to be discharged, I was given the opportunity to take home the Medela Symphony for a low monthly rental.  I jumped on the offer because there is now way I could afford this particular pump on my own.  I researched it and found out the Symphony retails for $1100, which was not in my budget.  The low monthly rental though, worked out to me buying a generic pump that I wouldn't use after the year I plan to pump for anyway, plus it is way better.

I was given as a bonus a manual pump to go along with the Symphony and even it has awesome suction, better than the electric pump but without the workout on your arms.  I love the whole series.  Before I went in to the hospital I kept on hearing about the Ameda system from friends and I'd seen a couple of them, but after experiencing the Symphony I realize my friends missed out.

If you are ever given the opportunity to rent the Medela Symphony Electric Breastpump or if you can outright purchase it, I recommend you do it.  You won't be sorry.  Best breastpump system, hands down.

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