Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Boy(s)

I was pregnant once before with another little boy, but I miscarried half way through my pregnancy.  I didn't have any morning sickness, pains, food aversions or anything when I was carrying that baby.  From the time I became pregnant with Ian however, he came to show me he was here to stay.  With the severe pains and food aversions, he took everything out of me as he grew bigger and stronger every day. 

That did nothing for my nerves though.  I was always worried I would miscarry with him too.  When he was born, I was always afraid the doctors would tell me something tragic everyday I went to visit him in the NICU.  When he was finally able to come home, I watched him like a hawk till he reached his due date and even now still, just not as intense.  I listen to every breath, monitor every elevation in temperature, and I watch for chest rises and falls in the silence.  I pay attention to every item I put in his mouth to see if I might have to use my infant CPR training before I get him to the nearest hospital. 

He is thriving well.  I would joke in the hospital that he was healthier than me.  The sad part is that he was, lol.  My oxigination and blood pressure was a lot worse than his.  Now that we are both doing better, I breathe a little more every day.  My little man is super strong and is man handling me during feeding times, lol.  He's lucky he's such a cutie.

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