Monday, December 17, 2012

Update 12/17/12

These past few months have been going by and Mister Ian is just getting bigger and bigger.  December has been his busiest Doctor month since he left the hospital on Memorial Day, and I am happy to report that all of his test have come back with positive results.  Up until this weekend, he has been in perfect health.  These past couple of days though he has had a low grade fever and every time I think it's gone, I might get a little spike.  I'm glad he's stayed out of the 100's today though, he's just been borderlining.

I'll tell you one thing, this fever is definitely not bringing out his sweet side.  The first night I didn't get any sleep at all.  Last night was better but we still battled.  Tonight, the fight was shorter since he's feeling a lot better.  I think he's teething.  I have read that fevers have nothing to do with teething, but I have also read that a lot of people don't agree with that.  I am one of those that don't agree because when I was growing up, my little brothers and cousins had fevers when they were teething so I'm going to rely more on past experience for this one.

It has been a while since I've given an update on Ian, but between him, school, visitors, and daily life distractions; I have been completely tied up.  I feel like I've abandoned all of my websites, Twitters and Facebook pages.  It is so sad.  I'm going to try to do better.  I'm putting myself back on a schedule so I can use my time more productively.  It is imperative I do this if I want to accomplish all of my tasks on a regular consistent basis.  Bare with me and send Ian your prayers for a speedy recovery.  My little Angel will be back to acting like an Angel as soon as he's feeling better, but when your dealing with teething, it's anyone's guess of how long the process will actually take.